PSI Center
For Innovation in Ship Design
Join the team and become part of this great journy​
We are the First and only Innovation Center Focused on the Marine Industry in Canada...

PSI (Ψ) Means, Well... Heading!

Psi (Ψ) Innovation Center is located at Beautiful British Columbia, Canada's Western hub for the maritime industry.

With an exceptional pool of world talents and unique combination of available resources and support, we can offer a wide variety of services to the industry and professionals worldwide. 

Whether you are an industry representative seeking to boost your business with innovative products and solutions or you are an industry professional looking to develop your innovative solution into a business venture, we have a program or service that fits your needs.

Check out our programs to see what we can offer...        Learn More

Heading 3

Our programs target all priority areas of the Canada's National Shipbuilding Strategy (NSS). Check out for yourself and find the program that best fits your needs: 


Learning Center

Grand Challenges

Got an Idea? We will help you create a venture out of it.

At Shackleton Incubator, we help innovators, entrepreneurs and maritime-related startups by providing expert advice, mentorship, and funding opportunities.

Our proprietary platform enables startups to easily showcase their potentials to our industry supporters who in turn can engage with scalable startups for collaboration and unique investment opportunities.
Want a more innovative workers?
Let's take out their inned DaVinci

Innovation can be taught.
We will help your employees develop their inner DaVinci and
become your next generation of intrapreneurs.

You can enroll your employees in our standalone training programs or you can sponsor a DaVinci project which integrates a problem solving
project for your organization with hands-on innovation training.
Got an industry challenge you want to tackle? We can help solve that.

Our UBC Grand Challenge program is designed to help industries solve their problems
while supporting the maritime talent development in Canada. 
Modelled after Georgia Tech's ASDL Grand Challenge, our UBC Grand Challenge program adresses one of the major industry problems in an intense research-proposal project during graduate student's studies.
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Engineering Center


Training next generation of NAME engineers

Psi (Ψ) Engineering Center provides high quality engineering service while training next generation of engineers and engineering leaders.

At Psi (Ψ) Engineering Center, we have a fixed organization chart that evolves each year with new M.Eng. and MEL students. Supervised by permanent P.Eng supervisors, the experience will prepare students for challenges they will face in a real workplace.
Are you ambitious enough? How about a flying submarine?

Modelled after DARPA Challenge, students and innovators compete to win a cash prize for proposed solutions to a revolutionary challenge. 

Sponsored by industry leaders and research funds, the Megellan prize competitions are designed to promote revolutionary ideas in the field of maritime industry that bridges the gap between fundamental research and industrial applications.
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Latest News
  1. 21 MAY
    Interview with e@UBC
    The team will present their EzStartUp platform, a revolutionary team entrepreneurship tool to e@UBC. The independent tool designed by a team of UBC MEL students will facilitate the pre-incubation services to startups and will be used by innovation center in finding and guiding startups in maritime industry.
  2. 17 MAY
    PSI Center presents to PAC meeting
    On May 17th, 2019, the PSI Center for Innovation in Ship Design will present their proposal to UBC's NAME Program Advisory Committee (PAC) meeting.
  3. 29 JULY
    Official Launch
    Once the founding activities completed and required investments has been made, the team plans to officially launch the innovation center by July 29, 2019.